Care for the Unhoused

Serving the Unhoused

Sack Lunch, Clothing and Toiletries Ministry

We have a heart for the disadvantaged and those experiencing homelessness in our community. We believe we are called to minister to them. First UMC gives out 25 free pre-packaged sack lunches, clothing, and toiletries daily Monday-Friday from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM (or until the sack lunches run out) to our neighbors in need. The lunch contains canned meat, fruit cups, and crackers or cookies.

All items are individually wrapped.

St. John’s Ecumenical Food Pantry

St. Johns Ecumenical Ministries Food Pantry promotes public awareness of local hunger issues and offers emergency food assistance to residents of St. Johns County. We have a team from First Church that serves every month. If you are interested in serving, contact Kathy White here.

Cold Night Shelter

First UMC and Grace United Methodist alternate in opening their doors to our homeless community when weather temperatures drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The doors open at 8:30 PM. The location is announced on the day of the event. The Cold Night Shelter hotline is (904) 819-4344.

If you have any questions contact our Homeless Ministry Coordinator Lynn Brown here.